Plan d'accès & Hébergements


Université de Rennes 1
Campus de Beaulieu - Bât. 2A
263 Avenue du Général Leclerc - 35042 Rennes

Campus Beaulieu download map

Access using public transport

From Rennes airport: take the Bus C6 to Tournebride.
From the SNCF train station, you have two options :
a) metro line a direction “JF Kennedy” to République, then bus C4 (direction "Rennes ZA Saint Suplice") or C6 (direction "Cesson-Sévigné")  to Tournebride.
b) metro line b direction "Viasilva" to Beaulieu - Université, then 10 minutes walk across the campus.
Rennes public transportation network STAR


Close to the campus

Close to the train station

Close to the city center


Bed and Breakfast and gites

This list is a non-exhaustiv one. For more information, you can visit the website of the tourist office.


You can also have accommodations in the International City, near train station, metro and buses in the center of Rennes. These are studios of 25 m2 with double bed at 63.44€ per night. They are available in limited number (15) and you can make a reservation sending an email to Fabienne Berrée:                

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